(306) 741-8398 g.j.livestock@sasktel.net

Southwest Genetics

Southwest Genetics provides the Full spectrum of artificial insemination products including on farm delivery of nitrogen and custom artificial Insemination in large or small groups. Southwest Genetics also provides multiple courses to teach the skill of artificially inseminating your own cattle.

Making ranchers more profitable, one calf at a time.


Artificial Insemination Supplies

Everything a producer needs to AI a cow, we can provide. From Tanks and Nitrogen, to applicators to kits and thaw units.

Bull Semen

Southwest Genetics has access the majority of Canadian semen companies.


Artificial Insemination Courses

Over 100 students have learned how to AI cattle through Southwest Genetics guidance.

Upcoming AI Courses

For more information contact Grant @ (306) 741-8398 

To email Grant, just click on the dates you would like to attend. 

We’ll Find the Right Supplies for You

The right supplies for your operation, delivered right to your door.

Our company takes pride in selling high quality supplies and providing great customer service.

We Work With Your Budget

The right Bull at the right price.

Southwest Genetics works with the top semen companies in Canada to select the right bull for the producer’s needs.

AI Courses

Southwest Genetics instills the best practices when teaching AI courses from proper handling of semen to using stress free techniques on the animal.

Making ranchers more profitable, one calf at a time.

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